Call this number right away.
It's Sunday morning.
You'll wake up Nadine.
I told her nothing's wrong, but
she's worried and wants to speak to you.
What's wrong?
Did you run over another old lady?
- Everything's fine.
- Why did he call?
- A simple formality.
- Busybody.
These things happen, you know.
Are you staying in tonight?
Yes, I'll wait for you.
Then I'll see you tonight
at the house. Good-bye.
Good-bye, darling.
- They searched the car.
- Of course.
So what did you tell them?
I said you were in the area
on vacation.
You bought books in my shop
and we struck up an acquaintance.
I agreed to take a little trip
down to Spain to pick you up.
He asked, "From Madrid?"
"Yes," I said. "What of it?"
"Three hundred miles each way?
That's a long trip to make in 24 hours.
That doesn't leave you much time
for sightseeing."
That got my goat.
I said, "Driving relaxes me."
- Is the next train an express?
- Yes. The 9:55. First-class only.
9:55. I have time to see Antoine.
- Shouldn't I give him our message?
- I have time to do it myself.
I'd prefer we not be seen
at Antoine's together.
Let's do this: I'll drop you at my house,
and let Antoine know you're here.
I'll tell him to meet you at the station
15 minutes before your train leaves.