So what did you tell them?
I said you were in the area
on vacation.
You bought books in my shop
and we struck up an acquaintance.
I agreed to take a little trip
down to Spain to pick you up.
He asked, "From Madrid?"
"Yes," I said. "What of it?"
"Three hundred miles each way?
That's a long trip to make in 24 hours.
That doesn't leave you much time
for sightseeing."
That got my goat.
I said, "Driving relaxes me."
- Is the next train an express?
- Yes. The 9:55. First-class only.
9:55. I have time to see Antoine.
- Shouldn't I give him our message?
- I have time to do it myself.
I'd prefer we not be seen
at Antoine's together.
Let's do this: I'll drop you at my house,
and let Antoine know you're here.
I'll tell him to meet you at the station
15 minutes before your train leaves.
It's safer that way.
All of a sudden,
my memory failed me completely.
A total blank.
I forgot Sallanches' phone number.
"This is it."
I thought to myself,
"This is it.
We'll get caught
over this tiny detail."
Besides, I had no way of knowing
who would answer on the other end.
It the inspector had reached
Sallanches himself...
it would have blown my cover.
So the passport is false
but the phone number is real?
No, it's all real:
Rene Sallanches, his passport,
his daughter, his phone number.
The only fake element
in this story is me.
So all you do is switch photos?
You could put it like that.
See, Marie? It's nothing
more complicated than that.