And what do you say?
I'm your friend, Diego.
Nobody would like
what I have to say about Spain.
I'm not even sure
I like it myself.
Poor, unhappy Spain.
Heroic, gallant Spain. I'm sick of it!
Spain's become the lyrical
rallying point of the left.
A myth for veterans of past wars.
Meanwhile, 14 million tourists
vacation in Spain every year.
Spain is nothing but a tourist's dream
or a civil-war myth...
all bundled up with Lorca's plays--
and I'm fed up with Lorca's plays.
Sterile women and peasant dramas!
And you can have the legend too!
I was not at Verdun, or Teruel,
or at the front at Ebro.
And the people now doing what counts
in Spain weren't either.
Twenty-year-olds, inspired
not by our past, but by their future.
Spain is no longer the dream of 1936
but the truth of 1965...
however disconcerting.
Thirty years have gone by,
and veterans give me a pain in the ass!
I'm sorry.
It's all sort of muddled.
Working tomorrow?
I'll see you then.
Right. See you tomorrow.
- Good night.
- I'm staying.
- You are?
- Yes.
I should help Marianne
put away the photos.
Then I'll drive you home.
Agnes lives in St. Cloud, and there are
no more trains at this hour.
Good night all the same.