Lost Command

I'm sorry. I thought it might comfort you.
It really wasn't his. It's an old one of mine.
My mistake.
Now there is a fighter's face.
You take him out of those fancy feathers,
put him in battle fatigues...

...he could almost be a paratrooper.
He happens to have been
one of Napoleon's generals.

I bet he sent home a lot of loot?
That chandelier, for one thing.
When they took Venice.
- Colonel.
- Yeah?

- I didn't mean to be so rude.
- That's all right.

- I'm still not myself.
- Sure. I understand.

It was kind of you to tell me that lie.
I wish you luck in getting
a new command, Colonel.

I'd rather rely on tactics,
with strong reinforcements behind me.

Well, is there any way I can help you?
Now that you mention it, Countess...
...I could use some elite troops
like you on my side.

I thought that maybe...
Colonel, Mr. DeGuyot will see you.
- Colonel Raspeguy, sir.
- Sir.

When my niece asked me to see you,
your name was already known to me.

Thank you. Lovely lady, the countess.
In this ministry, the issue is
whether you should be given...

...another command or asked to resign.
- I will never resign, sir.
- That's up to you.

I have some questions to ask,
unofficially, of course. Please sit down.

Thank you, I prefer standing.
It's a habit I developed as a shepherd boy.
General Melies complains that you
disobeyed his orders at Dien Bien Phu.

Several times, sir.
The first time in order to recapture a hill.

- Second time...
- Never mind.

General Melies seems to have a point.
Yes, sir, and they got the hill.
