Please, sit down.
My name is Ruby.
I've been assigned to go over the
circumstances of your death with you.
- What?
- I know this seems strange to you.
That's why I'm here.
You probably have a lot of questions.
Of course, the subject might appear
indelicate, but most of our clients...
Get this straight.
I am not a client.
Oh, precisely, Mr. Wilson.
You are not a client yet.
Let me start by explaining
the cost factor involved.
To begin with...
the procedure
is a rather complex one.
Seems to be your supper.
The chicken looks delicious.
No, thank you.
As I was saying, the cost runs
in the neighborhood of $30,000.
I know this seems rather high,
but in addition to...
the rather extensive
cosmetic renovation...
by way of plastic surgery for you...
CPS has to provide a fresh corpse...
that perfectly matches...
your physical dimensions
and medical specifications.
Cadaver Procurement Section.
Sure you don't want this chicken?
Absolutely sure.
Oh, pity.
The next step...
is the carefully
planned obliteration...
of identifiable portions
of the cadaver...
before it is found.
Features, dental structure.
We can't leave anything to chance.
No, I guess not.
Would you mind if...
Thank you.
Now, there is a problem that
the circumstances of your death...
must be simple.
A simple accident, strangely enough,
is costly, Mr. Wilson.