Come on, eat hearty, kids, no hooks.
- Hello, sweetheart.
- Hello, my sweetheart.
Corky? Where's my boy?
Unit Four, Los Angeles.
This is 11-Q, 11-73, Unit Two...
... Santa Catalina calling.
Come in, please.
- Come in, Unit Two.
- Hi, Jenny.
Hi, Pop. Say, you'll be happy to hear
we got the mermaid outfit back.
- Yeah? How?
- lf I told you, you'd never believe it.
Tell me about it when you come over
on the weekend.
I don't think I can make it this weekend.
I've got a million things I have to do.
But, Jenny, you've gotta come over.
I've got to have a mermaid.
- Use Nina.
- I said, mermaid, not "whale-maid."
"Couldn't find the tail.
Will this cover you?"
Hey, Jenny, you talking to yourself?
Yeah, I guess so.
That's what you get for living alone
with birds, dogs and tropical fish.
If you'd said you couldn't come
because of a boyfriend...
...that would be different.
- There you go again. Nag, nag, nag.
Okay. Talk to you tomorrow.
Oh, okay, Pop.
So long, Nina, no hard feelings.
What do you mean, "whale-maid"?
Let's face it, baby doll.
You ain't no guppy.
- He's kidding.
- Oh, no.
Okay, try RP minus 27 over Y-squared.
- Okay?
- Right.
Sir, I happen to have a dossier
on the girl, if you care to hear it.
What? Oh, yeah. Go, Homer.
"Dossier. Jennifer Nelson:
married, widowed.
Husband, Randolph Nelson:
- Oceanographer.
- Thank you, sir.
"He went down in a diving bell
off the Bahamas. End of husband.