The Glass Bottom Boat

Come in, I've been expecting you.
I heard your car drive up.

- I'm Mrs. Nelson.
- I know that, I'm Mrs. Miller.

How do you do? Oh, my, what a house.
Is that a cake?
Oh, yes. I baked it for Mr. Templeton.
- Well, here, it must be heavy.
- Oh, I hope not.

- Hello, Jenny.
- Hello, Mr. Templeton.

Jenny, Mrs. Nelson,
this is Edgar Hill of the CIA.

How do you do?
Why don't you start.
Anything you need, ask Anna.

- Okay.
- Come on.

Excuse me.
My biographer.
I'd better read it
and find out what I've been doing.

- And the other lady is Anna Miller?
- Yeah. Cook, housekeeper and treasure.

Been with me for 10 years.
That is Pritter's Hi-Fi Service
wiring the house for a party.

Well, I'll be in town a few days
checking on another spy rumble.

Alrighty. Sorry it wasn't more exciting
for you here.

Let's keep it that way.
Oh, yes, this new equation of yours,
where's it kept?

- Up here. Why?
- No plans or blueprints?

In two vaults.
One at the office. One here.

- Invulnerable?
- Yeah, they're invulnerable. I'll show you.

If you need paper and things,
they're behind this bookcase. It pulls out.

- Oh, thank you, Mrs. Miller.
- Anna.

Here we are.
Each vault opens only to the frequency
of my voice in a special word sequence.

Since each voice is unique...
...the safes are, as you say, invulnerable.
- Excellent.

Anna? Yoo-hoo.
What?! Oh, I'm sorry.
- Oh, my heart.
- I didn't mean to scare you.
