Oh, yes, this new equation of yours,
where's it kept?
- Up here. Why?
- No plans or blueprints?
In two vaults.
One at the office. One here.
- Invulnerable?
- Yeah, they're invulnerable. I'll show you.
If you need paper and things,
they're behind this bookcase. It pulls out.
- Oh, thank you, Mrs. Miller.
- Anna.
Here we are.
Each vault opens only to the frequency
of my voice in a special word sequence.
Since each voice is unique...
...the safes are, as you say, invulnerable.
- Excellent.
Anna? Yoo-hoo.
What?! Oh, I'm sorry.
- Oh, my heart.
- I didn't mean to scare you.
I'm fixing the PA system.
I'm sorry.
Pritter's the name. Julius Pritter.
Pritter's Hi-Fi Stereo, you know.
My card.
In case you need any work done.
I'll be out of your way in a jiffy.
Scary closets.
- Be careful!
- What?
Oh, no.
- Oh, no.
- What was that?
- That was a cake.
- I'm awfully sorry, lady.
That makes two of us, or three.
- What should I do?
- Don't move. You'll mess up...
Hurry. It's starting to permeate.