Un homme et une femme

Hurry! Otherwise, l'll miss my train!
See you Sunday, darling.

Don't get cold.
Hurry, go inside, quick!

Go on! Bye. See you Sunday.
Come on, children!
We're in the middle of December,
and you drive with the top down.

lt's not me. lt's Antoine.
Blame Antoine!
Come and have supper, darling.

There you are!
Yes, darling. Come on.
Come on, Antoine.
l promise you that if you're good all
week, next Sunday we'll go boating.

No, tomorrow! Tomorrow!
Tomorrow, you work. Next Sunday!
Go and have supper.
There, now.
You spoil him, you know.

lt's only once a week.
But he doesn't work very hard.
He's lazy.

lntelligent, but lazy.
He takes after me.
What are you going to do about it?
Antoine's been in your care
for two years. You've done wonders.

l'm certain you'll be able to do
even better.

ln two years,
we haven't talked seriously.

l cannot talk seriously
to a pretty woman.

Be careful.
lt's foggy this evening.

-Maybe the roads are icy.

There you are!
