But I haven't got
any clothes to wear.
What? Y-You have
a dress in there!
That's for the evening.
I can't appear at 11.00 in the morning
in an evening dress.
You should have thought
about that before.
Wait. There's a dress shop at the top
of the stairs. Ladies dress shop.
- What are your measurements?
- Hmm?
- How tall are you?
- Five foot 7.
What about around here?
Never mind that.
What about here?
- Modesty forbids.
- Oh!
Now, listen. Remember when I leave,
lock both doors.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning.
I'd like to have a lady's suit
for someone about 5 feet 7.
I'm afraid we've nothing in stock.
- What's all this?
- Samples, sir. Our main stores
are in London and New York.
Yes, sir.
Here. Here's some clothes.
Yes, sir.