Yes, sir.
Here. Here's some clothes.
Yes, sir.
- Aren't you ready yet?
- I'm trying to get ready, sir, but...
You are not trying to get ready.
I've had just about enough of this.
- I'm not gonna stand...
- I gave you my measurements, but...
Listen, I'm not interested in
the problem off your measurements.
- I'm interested in you getting
out this door right now.
- What is this for?
If you're not off this boat
in two minutes...
- Who is it?
- Steward, sir.
- Yes, sir?
- Clear these things away.
Yes, sir.
- Aren't you ready yet?
- But it's all too big!
- Haven't they got something smaller?
- That's the smallest they have.
- What am I to do?
- "Do"? Get dressed and get off the boat!