Well, I have very big eyes.
And deliciously long eyelashes
to go with them.
- Really?
- Uh-huh.
Well, it was lovely
running into you two.
- Seriously?
- Yes.
- Uh, nice meeting you too, Mr. Stander.
- Likewise.
- Uh, toodle-oo.
- Toodle.
Oh, boy.
- What's the matter?
- What's the matter?
You might as well be wearing a neon sign
announcing your intentions.
- I'm sorry, Ed.
- It's those little things that count, kid.
They're the difference between
a happy and an unhappy marriage.
Yeah. I'll watch 'em, Ed.
Listen, can I get Old Ironsides in any drugstore?
Oh, Paul, Paul. Baby, baby.
- But you said that I ought to buy it.
- Sure.
But we mustn't forget about Ruth,
must we?
- Ruth who?
- Ruth, your wife.
- Oh.
- What do you think she's gonna think?
Think? Just because I change
my aftershave lotion?
- Is that all you've done, Paul?
- Yeah, sure.
- Yeah? Uh? Uh?
- Oh, you mean the back bit.
Aw, come on, Ed.
Being careful is one thing, but this?
She'd have to be clairvoyant
to connect the two.
If she has to, she will.
Now, Ed, you're being too careful.
Too careful, huh?
There was this guy.
He was a big movie star.
Have a nice day, darling.
There he is!
Morning, Maddock.
There you are, girls.
That's it for today, girls.
Be good to your mothers.