Y-Y-You're joke-shop spies, gentlemen.
We are in the last half
of the 20th century, Sir James.
- Even you have to face it.
- Why should l, when I can face that?
Look at my garden.
Out there, there is a black rose.
Not dark red, but black.
As a raven's wing at midnight.
I would not exchange one single petal
for anything your world has to offer,
including an Aston M-Martin
with lethal accessories.
You have only contempt for
the proletariat, Sir James. This we know.
If I didn't know better, I'd say
you'd lost your faith in democracy.
You can break the glass,
but you can't hold back the weather.
Things are bad. I've lost 11 agents in the
last fortnight - seven killed, four missing.
- Is my namesake among them?
- He may well be tomorrow.
Eight of ours were given the works -
two in the Pentagon.
- 16.
- KGB is depleted.
I cannot disclose exact figures.
The enemy has penetrated
our most secret inner circles.
- He reads our very mind.
- For all we know,
he has his eye on us now.
Are you quite sure
he is not one or m-more of you?
- No, no.
- Absolutely sure.
Until this danger is past, we must
stand united in the defence of all spies,
great or small, regardless of nationality.
Calamity makes strange b-bedfellows,
but why, in the strength of your unity,
do you disturb a gentleman
in his retirement?
We need your inspirational leadership.
Please give us the benefit of
your incomparable powers of deduction.
- For all freedom-loving peoples.
- For the glorious socialist revolution.
If I may interrupt this flow of clichés,
it is now that time of day
I have set apart for Debussy.