- M's castle to Control.
{y:bi}- M's name is McTarry. Use it.
Plan B in operation.
McTarry Castle completely occupied,
with only one change.
Agent Mimi is now M's widow.
{y:bi}Agent Mimi impersonating Lady Fiona?
Well, she has the best Scots accent.
And that's all that's left of the McTarry.
Your husband d-died as he lived,
Lady Fiona. In the service of Her Majesty.
I thought it would be
my p-painful duty to impart the news.
How did you know your husband M -
I'm sorry, McTarry - was dead?
- We were told.
- Might I ask who told you?
- The Grey Piper.
- The who?
Tell Sir James about the Grey Piper, lass.
Whenever a McTarry dies,
he comes down from the mountain,
over the loch and through the heather,
playing the clan lament.
We always put a tappit-hen of
usquebaugh outside the castle door.
- Tappit-hen?
- A quart o' whisky.
- Is he a real p-piper?
- We dinna ken.
But it's been the same one for 600 years.
- Naught else remains?
- Nothing to s-speak of, I'm afraid.
It was found in a tree,
100 yards from where he stood.
Took off, as it were, and flew like a b-bird.
But whether it is an article of apparel
or an anatomical f-feature,
that is the question.
Should it be given Christian burial?
Just how p-personal is a toupee?
It can only be regarded as a "hairloom".
Eliza, put it wi'
all the other relics of McTarry glory.
We all ken that
our beloved McTarry of the Glen
was a different man in Whitehall.
But McTarry women never ask questions.
According to clan tradition,
when the laird dies