Jag to Dairy. Drop speed now!
Hello, Jag. Come in, Jag.
- Detonators out.
- Out.
Good Lord! Moneypenny.
You haven't changed a bit.
I'm Miss Moneypenny's daughter.
- How is your dear mother?
- After you left, she took the vows.
That seems to be
the in thing to do these days.
I must say, this place
brings back a few memories.
Yes, Mother told me some of them.
She probably also told you that I'm partial
to jasmine tea. Lapsang Souchong.
By the way, since I came in here
have you noticed me stammer?
- No, sir.
- Let me know if I do.
I haven't got time for that now.
- Will you be needing me tonight, sir?
- Very probably.
If I'm to take over this department,
I have to know all M's secrets.
Not his personal ones, of course.
- May I say welcome back, Sir James.
- Thank you...
- Hadley, sir.
- Of course. You were...
- My father's son, sir.
- And where is your dear father now?
- The same place, sir.
- That's encouraging.
Bring me up to date.
Who's on what assignment?
- It's not a happy picture.
- Why the black flags?
They've been liquidated, I'm afraid.
Finland - stabbed to death
in a ladies' sauna bath, sir.
Madrid - burnt in a blazing bordello, sir.
And Tokyo, sir -
garrotted in a geisha house.
It's depressing that "secret agent" has
become synonymous with "sex maniac".
- Incidentally, where is my namesake?
- We had to take him off the board, sir.