Cool Hand Luke

Why, we always thought you
were strong enough to carry it.

Was we wrong?
I don't know.
Well, things are just
never the way...

...they seem, Arletta, you know that.
A man's gotta go his own way.
Guess, I've just got to...
:41:21 to love you and let go.
I guess.
I ain't asking what you're going to do
when you get out because...

...l'll be dead and it don't matter.
You never did want to live forever.
I mean, it wasn't such a hell of a life.
I had me...some high old times.
Your old man, Luke...
...he wasn't much good
for sticking around...

...but, dammit, he made me laugh.
I would have liked to have known him,
the way you talk about him.

He'd have broke you up.
What went wrong?
Nothing. Everything's cool as can be.
Arletta, I tried.
I mean to...
:42:46 always free and
above board like you, but...

...I don't know, I just can't seem
to find any elbow room.

You always had good jobs.
