I would have liked to have known him,
the way you talk about him.
He'd have broke you up.
What went wrong?
Nothing. Everything's cool as can be.
Arletta, I tried.
I mean to...
...live always free and
above board like you, but...
...I don't know, I just can't seem
to find any elbow room.
You always had good jobs.
And that girl in Kentucky.
Oh...l'd taken a shine to her.
She sure took off
with that convertible fella.
Well, why not?
Idea of marrying got you all,
all bollixed up.
Trying to be respectable.
You was boring the hell
out of all of us.
I'm leaving the place to John.
That's good. He earned it.
Ain't nothing to do with it.
I just never gave John...
...the kind of, you know,
feeling that I gave you.
So, I'm going to pay him back now.