Follow That Camel

this indicates that you are very romantic
and passionate.

Thas very funny.
Thas where I was hit by a cricket ball.

But you anre passionate! I feel it here!
- (Whimpers)
- Is it not true?

Well, I... I did once breathe rather heavily
down my music teacher's neck.

She was showing me some five-finger exercises
and I lost my senses.

Is that all?
You mean you have never kissed a woman?

Oh... oh, yes.
- But never one wearing a veil.
- What difference does my veil make?

Well, it would be like sucking a toffee
with the paper on.

And if I were to take it off?
Oh, yes.
It is well, but it is forbidden
for me to remove it in public.

Of course,
if you were to... come to my house later...

- Yes?
- About ten minutes after midnight?

Yes? Yes?
There will be a whole toffee assortment
with no papers on.

Must you go? This last hour has been
an experience I cannot forget.

Oh, yes, is been fun,
but I really must see Bo now.

Very well, he will be at the Cafè Zigazig.
I will take you there.

Oh, no! I must see him alone!
Surely you understand that.

Very well, mein Liebchen, but be careful.
It is not safe for a young woman
to go about alone.

Papa told me that before I left,
but nothing's happened to me yet.

- Nothing unpleasant, that is.
- Out here, is different.

These hot-blooded Arabs,
once they get you amongst the sand dunes...

Oh, do tell me! What do they do?
I cannot tell you, but there's an old Arab saying,
"There's many a good fiddle
played on an old dune!"

(Laughs) On an old dune!
So, be careful, mein Liebchen.
OK, fellas, les take the short cut.
