Must you go? This last hour has been
an experience I cannot forget.
Oh, yes, is been fun,
but I really must see Bo now.
Very well, he will be at the Cafè Zigazig.
I will take you there.
Oh, no! I must see him alone!
Surely you understand that.
Very well, mein Liebchen, but be careful.
It is not safe for a young woman
to go about alone.
Papa told me that before I left,
but nothing's happened to me yet.
- Nothing unpleasant, that is.
- Out here, is different.
These hot-blooded Arabs,
once they get you amongst the sand dunes...
Oh, do tell me! What do they do?
I cannot tell you, but there's an old Arab saying,
"There's many a good fiddle
played on an old dune!"
(Laughs) On an old dune!
So, be careful, mein Liebchen.
OK, fellas, les take the short cut.
Who is this woman?
- What woman?
- She of the skin the colour of camel tripes.
I do not know. Why?
I desire her.
Bring her to me.
(Laughs) Good night. I'm having a little shuteye.
- See you later. So long. Good night.
- Bye.
He doesn't seem to be here at the moment.
I'm sure you will find the one you are seeking.
In the meantime, perhaps you would care to
accept the hospitality of my humble dwelling?
Oh, how kind. Do you live near here?