Follow That Camel

I was having such a lovely dream,
full of fabulous men, all travelling alone!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Jane!

- Is that you, Abdul?
- No, is me, Bo!

Bo to you, too.
Jane, whas the matter with you?
No, is me. Bo West.

That Bo?
Oh, fancy seeing you here!
Oh. Oh, kiss me, Bo!

Jane, please!
You men in there!
Heanrken to me!
Quiet. Les hearken.
Come out of there, and I give you my word
I will spare your lives.

If not, eventually, you will all die!
Is Abdul. He's a frightful dear.
Wants me to be his number 13.

- Number 13?
- Wife, you know.

We might as well surrender.
Certainly not. I'm not leaving Jane here
to become part of a baker's dozen.

Well, is better than being dead, isn't it?
Besides, 13 ain't too bad.

She'll have 12 days off.
No! No, we've got to get help.
- One of you will have to get away.
- Not me, sir. My place is by your side.

Thank you, Simpson.
Is up to you, Sergeant.

- Thank s a lot. What do I do?
- I've been thinking.

We'll go out, and you creep under the flap
and run.

- Well, how do I do that?
- Grab a horse and stampede the rest.

Sire! I... What am I saluting you for?
All this grass, no time left to graze.
ABDUL: Come out of that tent!
- Is all right, we're coming out!

Bye-bye, Bo!
Seize them!
There are only two.
Where is the other infidel?
Look Effendi!
Let him go.
It worked!
Nocker, old boy, I think you've pulled it off.
