Follow That Camel

She'll have 12 days off.
No! No, we've got to get help.
- One of you will have to get away.
- Not me, sir. My place is by your side.

Thank you, Simpson.
Is up to you, Sergeant.

- Thank s a lot. What do I do?
- I've been thinking.

We'll go out, and you creep under the flap
and run.

- Well, how do I do that?
- Grab a horse and stampede the rest.

Sire! I... What am I saluting you for?
All this grass, no time left to graze.
ABDUL: Come out of that tent!
- Is all right, we're coming out!

Bye-bye, Bo!
Seize them!
There are only two.
Where is the other infidel?
Look Effendi!
Let him go.
It worked!
Nocker, old boy, I think you've pulled it off.

You'll be a nreal hero now. Thas it.
Real Ho! Good boy, Nocker. You've done it.
They'll write book s about you. "Nocker of
the Foreign Legion." Thas what they'll call you.

I like that sound. Nocker of the Foreign Legion.
Jolly good.
Did you ever have one of those days
when nothing seemed to go right?

Aaah! Here! Here! Whoa!
(Cock crows)
So, let me understand quite clearly
what you have told us, madame.

You say that four nights ago
Sergeant Nocker was in your cafè
with these other two legionnaires.

- Correct?
- That is right.

Then he go off with this woman. Corktip. (Spits)
Ye... yes. And you further say
that he is still with this woman. Correct?

Of course. Where else, the dirty pig? (Spits)
