You'll be a nreal hero now. Thas it.
Real Ho! Good boy, Nocker. You've done it.
They'll write book s about you. "Nocker of
the Foreign Legion." Thas what they'll call you.
I like that sound. Nocker of the Foreign Legion.
Jolly good.
Did you ever have one of those days
when nothing seemed to go right?
Aaah! Here! Here! Whoa!
(Cock crows)
So, let me understand quite clearly
what you have told us, madame.
You say that four nights ago
Sergeant Nocker was in your cafè
with these other two legionnaires.
- Correct?
- That is right.
Then he go off with this woman. Corktip. (Spits)
Ye... yes. And you further say
that he is still with this woman. Correct?
Of course. Where else, the dirty pig? (Spits)
So, all the time he was supposedly
out on patrol alone,
he was, in reality, staying with you.
- Correct?
- That is right.
I tell you, for years he has been with me.
And then this woman come along and... (Spits)
- Perhaps you would like to use this.
- No, thank s, I went before I came.
Yes. Very well. Thank you for coming forward
with this information. You may go now.
I like you. Why don't you come and see Zigzig
some time, eh?
I think I've got all I want from you, madame,
thank you.
You think so?
Well, perhaps there are a couple of points
I'd like to go over with you later.
Good. Soon, eh?
Interesting, Le Pice!
Venry interesting. What is her name?
- Mon Kommandant, her name is Zigzig.
- Zigzig? Oh, thas a strange name.
It is an old Arabic word for serving woman,
meaning, "She who handeth it out on a platter."
Yes, and all the time she's been handing it out
on the platter to Sergeant Nocker!
Oh, mein Gott!
What fools he has been making of us!