In Cold Blood

Somebody with a grudge done it.
Somebody who hated the Clutters.

Nobody asked you.
Nobody hated the Clutters.

Leastways, nobody that knew them.
If this can happen to a decent,
God-fearing family...

...who's safe anymore?
-From here?
-No, from Topeka. It's urgent!

Okay, Mr. Sandrew.
Tell Alvin it's a prisoner. In Lancing.
Get me a rap sheet on this man, please.
He mentioned the Clutter case.

He wouldn't say any more
unless he was called out of the cellblock.

I have the warden on the other phone now.
Might be a break.

If it is, I'll be out to Garden City tonight
with the tape.

No, phone's too risky.
Hello? Yes.
''KSP 1-4-3-2-3. Floyd Wells.''
-I first met him in the penitentiary.

Yes, sir. We shared the same cell.
Go ahead, Floyd.
We swapped life stories and I told him...
:52:23 I once worked
for a farmer named Clutter.

Did you work for him?
Yes, sir. Ten, eleven years ago.
Dick wanted to know if Mr. Clutter
was rich and I said, ''Well...

''...sometimes it cost him $10,000
a week to run his operation.''

After that, Dick never let up.
Just kept asking questions.

How many was in the family?
Did Clutter keep a safe?

Dick said how he was going
to rob the Clutter place...

...him and his buddy.
And how he was gonna kill
all the witnesses.

I just never believed him.
I thought it was just--

What took him so long to speak up?
Afraid of other prisoners.
Issue a pickup warrant.
