To Sir, with Love

Good morning.
My name is Thackeray.
l´m a new teacher.

We were expecting you.
So you´re the new lamb
for the slaughter.

Or should l say...
:05:22 sheep?
No, just a teacher, Mr. Hackman.
l´m not Hackman.
Perish the thought.

He´s departed,
God rest his soul.

He´s probably pouring out his woes
to the divisional officer by now.

l´m Mrs. Evans, Grace.
Deputy head.

Mrs. Evans.
Have you seen any
of the children yet?

l looked in on Mr. Hackman´s class
for a moment.

l take them for domestic science.
Like a cup of tea?
No, thank you, not just now.
You been teaching long?
This is my first appointment.
We call them jobs.
American, are you?
...from British Guiana.
But l spent some years
in the States.

- Where?
- Ln California.

Weather as good as they say?
lt´s better.
What was your subject?
What did you major in?
l must be off.
Make yourself at home.
Wander around, if you like,
or stay here.

l´ll introduce you
to the others at lunch.

Thank you.
