This is my first appointment.
We call them jobs.
American, are you?
...from British Guiana.
But l spent some years
in the States.
- Where?
- Ln California.
Weather as good as they say?
lt´s better.
What was your subject?
What did you major in?
l must be off.
Make yourself at home.
Wander around, if you like,
or stay here.
l´ll introduce you
to the others at lunch.
Thank you.
This is Gillian, Mr. Thackeray.
Gillian Blanchard.
She´s new here too.
Came the day before yesterday.
- Tea, Gillian?
- Thank you.
This is Mr. Mark Thackeray,
the new replacement.
Jose Dawes,
Euphemia Phillips.
They teach the little ones.
Theo Weston, you know.
Yes, l´ve had the pleasure.
He mistook me for Hackman.
- L heard he´s fled.
- Can´t say l blame him.
That shot of humanity´s enough
to destroy anyone.
He got what he deserved.
l´m Clinty Clintridge.
Clinty´s a marvelous artist.
Got one at the Royal Academy
a couple of years ago.
Teaching provides
the bread and butter.
Well, that´s all the staff
except for Mr. Bell...