The old M.G.
Which birthday of mine
was it you gave yourself that?
Was it our anniversary?
We were going to drive and drive
and see where we got to.
A couple of kids
with not a care in the world.
Hold your breath.
We've got a long way to go.
We need a small push.
Come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
That's it. Very good.
Faster. Faster.
Come on, faster.
Remember me?
What's wrong?
Hear that?
It's a donk.
What kind of a donk?
A medium sized slightly
unhealthy donk.
A donk.
When did it all start
to go wrong?
Was it in the M.G.?
Our first bust-up?
I thought we were happy
in the M.G.
I also thought so.
This is what I call
independence, don't you?