They don't look very happy.
Why should they?They just got married.
I hope you enjoy your trip,Mr. Wallace.
Thank you.
And your wife.
Thanks a lot.
I suppose we've got Mauriceto thank for this.
What are you doing?
Trying to discoverwhere the strings are attached.
"I hope you have a nice trip,Mr. Wallace. "
"And my wife?"
You're too suspicious about Maurice.What harm did he ever do us?
He hounds us.
He hounds us.
Mister Maurice Dalbret for you,from St. Tropez.
He hounds us...
Yeah.I told you.
Of course we could've flowndirect,
but we wanted to have a few dayson our own.
London, please.
Joanna and me.
My wife. Yeah.
It's too late to change,anyway I want the car there.
Yes, my darling. Of course I will.Of course I won't.
Nothing's going to fall down.
We have to fly.
You'll take care of grannyand nanny too? Take care of everyone.
That makes nonsensethe whole spatial concept.
Spatial concept.
It messes up the whole design.