Ruthie, honey.
Come on.
It has running hot and cold, bath,
free garage, telephone...
and transistor radios
aren't allowed in the dining room.
It sounds minimal,
but I'll buy it.
I don't want to go to a hotel.
Our own little home for the night.
Of course you do.
I don't. I don't.
Ruthie, may I have
the keys back, please?
Okay, we'll just have to stay
here all night.
- Is that what you want?
- Yes.
- With nothing to eat?
- I'm not hungry.
- She had a little snack...
- Cathy, please.
Ruthie, give me that key!
Don't you have a spare?
If I use the spare,
we don't have a spare.
Mummy, I'm so tired.
Do you still want a child?
I still want a child.
I just don't want that child.
We agreed before we were married
we weren't going to have
any children.
And before we were married,
we didn't.
Ruthie, that was a funny thing
you did with the key.