You're on a schedule.
But a tight schedule.
Mark, did you pick up
your passport this morning?
Mark. Mark.
If there's one thing I despise,
it's an indispensable woman.
Nobody knows the names
of the men who made it.
To make something so beautiful
and not smash your name all over it.
Would you want to?
All you hear about nowadays
is people making names.
Not things.
Sorry, did you want me
to take your picture?
No, no.
This is a three dimensional
It's meant for photographing
three dimensional subjects.
I'm three dimensional
as a matter of fact.
It's basically for buildings.
I'm not a building.
We won't have to waste a minute
stopping for lunch.
The trouble with women is,
they try to label you.
Put you in a pigeon hole.
What they don't realise is