I guessed.
Aren't they sweet?
Isn't it a shame about Jackie?
Isn't it.
You'd have preferred if I'd been
the one who got the chickenpox.
You don't have to stay
with me, you know.
Listen, sweetheart,
let's get this straight.
I've absolutely no intention
of staying with you.
I don't know what your plans are,
but I have a schedule.
I am not on holiday.
I understand.
I'm here for the buildings.
Anything else is by the way.
I haven't a minute to waste.
My time is organised.
You're on a schedule.
But a tight schedule.
Mark, did you pick up
your passport this morning?
Mark. Mark.
If there's one thing I despise,
it's an indispensable woman.
Nobody knows the names
of the men who made it.
To make something so beautiful
and not smash your name all over it.