- We've invested over 50 dollars.
- 60.
60 dollars
in anti-snake equipment.
I sure hope somebody
gets bitten by a snake.
Well, that's my 100 exactly.
Let me see.
Mark, it's you to drive.
We change places
and that's all there is to it.
I'm hungry.
I think Howard's wonderful
the way he organises everything.
He's not an efficiency consultant
for nothing.
If he were, he wouldn't
be married to you.
I'm hungry.
Hand me that guide book, sugar.
I want to eat something now.
If you want to ruin your lunch,
Ruthie, you can.
We believe in leaving things
for her own free decision.
Does that key make the car go?
Sort of.
Ruthie, that hurt Mommy.
Did you see what she did?
She pinched me.
She probably thinks you're excluding
her. She needs reassuring.
If she does it again,
I'm going to need hospitalisation.
We're covered.
Have you ever been
in analysis?
It can be very worthwhile.
Shall I tell you a story, Ruthie?
Joanna, thank you.
There we are, love.
Come on, Ruthie.
Quite like old times,
Mr. Wallace.