It doesn't matter.
I think it does matter.
You resent Ruthie, don't you?
A little spilt wine...
You misunderstand me.
You resent her because
you want to have a child.
We're 17 minutes behind schedule.
Mark, you have 53 Km.
Still to go.
It's hot.
Sweetheart, we should've left
the car under the sun-shelter.
Let's move it, Marcus.
- Mummy.
- What is it, candy face?
I'm hungry.
Very funny,
but I happen to have a schedule.
The trouble is there's two of us.
That's the whole trouble.
If I ever have a car,
I'll never pass a single hitchhiker.
Must we dice with death?
Since when has this car
only got two speeds?
I'll tell you what, you drive.
I'll tell you what, I'll walk.
Okay, walk.
Don't be silly.
You'd be better off on
your own, wouldn't you?
Not again.
You want to get on, I know.
Maurice is waiting.
Let him wait.
He's got you on a line.
All he has to do is reel you in...
Will you shut the hell up
about Maurice?
You know where we'd be without him?
Broke and happy.
You want to live in the cellar again?
You hated it.
I loved it.
You hated it.
I hated it.
I hate being at other people's
beck and call.