It's very handsome.
Market at 25000, I like it a lot.
It's beautiful, Ruthiebelle.
Come on, sweetheart.
I want to take my house with me.
She's feeling insecure.
Only natural.
Come on, sweetness.
I want to take my house
with me!
I want it!
Ruthie, this time I have to say
no, and I mean no.
It's very reassuring at times
to retain a flexibility of attitude.
He has a tremendously mature quality,
that's what I love about him.
He has a quiet assurance.
Don't you think he has
a quiet assurance?
Very quiet assurance.
He's the husband type.
You were always the lover type.
I guess you still are.
I've been married to Joanna
for nearly two years.
But your relationship is volatile.
Anyone can see that.
Joanna, I don't want you
to feel badly about what happened.
It doesn't matter.
I think it does matter.
You resent Ruthie, don't you?
A little spilt wine...
You misunderstand me.
You resent her because
you want to have a child.
We're 17 minutes behind schedule.
Mark, you have 53 Km.
Still to go.
It's hot.
Sweetheart, we should've left
the car under the sun-shelter.
Let's move it, Marcus.
- Mummy.
- What is it, candy face?
I'm hungry.
Very funny,
but I happen to have a schedule.
The trouble is there's two of us.
That's the whole trouble.
If I ever have a car,
I'll never pass a single hitchhiker.