That isn't a very adult attitude.
Marcus, please.
That's the phonograph.
Mark, please.
Come on, Joanna, darling.
You haven't asked her if
she wants to abandon the expedition.
Come on, baby.
That, if I may say so,
is a very revealing usage.
Calling her "baby" shows that
you're thinking and deciding for her.
I warn you solemnly, Marcus.
You're denying her the right
to be her own paradoxical self.
You're the largest pocket
of untapped natural gas known to man.
They haven't even opened yet.
What is it about?
Who knows?
What do people have rows about?
Money, sex...
Sex, money.
He wants,
she doesn't want.
She wants,
he doesn't want.
He thinks the counter
is in the wrong place.
Counter and display case.
It's very funny.
Yeah, that's marriage
for you.
That's marriage for them.
That's marriage. Full stop.
I'm allowed not to like Howard
and Cathy. They're my friends.
You didn't intend to enjoy the trip.
You were jealous of Cathy.
It's not my idea of bliss
travelling with three Manchester's.
You promised when we were married,
you'd always be happy.
Why can't you always
be happy?
Because I can't.
You broke your promise.
I am happy usually.
I love you, if that's any good.
That's not the issue.
If it isn't it should be.