-Give me a hint?
-You can find it by yourself.
lf you couldn't, l'd tell you.
-What have you got against Gloria?
-A lot.
The problem is, she's in love with you,
which makes me the villain.
Susy, she's a kid.
More to your left, in front of you.
l'd rather have a dog.
Dogs can't shop at the supermarket.
They can't rearrange the furniture either
so l trip over it.
That's her latest hobby.
l nearly broke my leg last night.
She's been sneaking cigarettes too.
l smelled smoke when l came in yesterday.
Susy, give her a chance.
Her father's run off again. Her mother's
flitted out for a weekend uptown.
Poor old Gloria gets slammed around
like a Ping-Pong ball.
On top of that, she's wearing glasses.
Kids are giving her the treatment...
...calling her the "monster from outer space."
lcebox needs defrosting, darling,
only my way this time.
lt's more practical.
Use plenty of boiling water.
-What if l burn both my hands off your way?
The Unguentine's in the emergency drawer.
lf the weather's okay, try walking
to the studio and back.
No cheating.
Do l have to be the world's
champion blind lady?
Then, l will be.
l'll be whatever
you want me to be.
Tell me what you want,
and that's what l'll be.
-l mean it.
l don't want you ever
to be anything but Susy...
...because that's the way l love you.
Do you? Do you?
What do you think?
-Do you want me to stay home?