The Unguentine's in the emergency drawer.
lf the weather's okay, try walking
to the studio and back.
No cheating.
Do l have to be the world's
champion blind lady?
Then, l will be.
l'll be whatever
you want me to be.
Tell me what you want,
and that's what l'll be.
-l mean it.
l don't want you ever
to be anything but Susy...
...because that's the way l love you.
Do you? Do you?
What do you think?
-Do you want me to stay home?
But you can go to work anyway.
l'll clean up here...
...then when you get back,
l'll be all scrubbed and polished.
You sure it's okay?
Then, l got to rush.
Where does the icebox plug in?
You'll find it.
No fair asking Gloria either.
Are you looking at me?
-Bye, dope.
-Bye, dope.
Thanks for everything.