Wait Until Dark

...and immediately, the police phone
and ask to speak to him.

Then Mr. Roat Jr. fiddles with the blinds,
and Carlino calls him.

No, l don't think the police
work like that. lt's too cops and robbers.

Mr. Roat's story and Sam's
don't go together.

And l've been forgetting something
very important.

-What's that?
-That l know Sam...

...and l don't know Mr. Roat.
You've got to get this through your head.
lt's what the police think that counts.

lf we wanna help Sam,
we've gotta find that doll--

-But it isn't here! lt isn't here!
-lt must be!

-lt's got to be in this safe.
-But l told you, it couldn't be.

-And why not?
-Because it isn't ours. Not really.

The woman who had this apartment
wanted to sell it to us when we moved in.

When we convinced her that we
didn't want it...

...she locked it and deliberately dropped
the key down the drain outside.

-Susy, you're making that up.
-l am not. Why should l?

-Be careful.
-Why should l?

On second thought, l don't suppose
l'd open my safe in front of a stranger.

Have l been treating you like a stranger?
l wish the doll were in the safe.

lt is your problem, isn't it?
Yours and Sam's. You have to do
what you think is best for him.

Where are you going?
To pick up my things at the apartment.
l can't miss the last plane.

-You said you'd stay.
-Sam will be home soon.

Will you give me a phone number?
What phone number?
Where you're going,
in case l find the doll.

l'll phone when l get there.
Give me the name of your friend
so l can call lnformation.

Well, yeah, l may have it
written down someplace.

-Here it is. Can you remember it?

-242. That's like ours. Go on.


