Have l been treating you like a stranger?
l wish the doll were in the safe.
lt is your problem, isn't it?
Yours and Sam's. You have to do
what you think is best for him.
Where are you going?
To pick up my things at the apartment.
l can't miss the last plane.
-You said you'd stay.
-Sam will be home soon.
Will you give me a phone number?
What phone number?
Where you're going,
in case l find the doll.
l'll phone when l get there.
Give me the name of your friend
so l can call lnformation.
Well, yeah, l may have it
written down someplace.
-Here it is. Can you remember it?
-242. That's like ours. Go on.
Thank you.
Five, nine.
-Where's Roat?
-Who knows?
Out beating up old ladies.
How goes it inside?
She's something, man.
She is really something.
You're on next. Give her a minute,
then push her as hard as you can.
Really push. Keep hinting at
that safe and the doll.
lf it's in there and she can't open it,
she will after you've gone.
What about Roat Jr. from Scarsdale?
Yeah. What about him?