Waterhole #3

The flash powder they use made me all
squinty-eyed. Do you see that picture?

Of course, they didn't do
too much better by old Twostones here.

I sure don't like him.
Then don't vote for him.
Now that Riderra gold robbery
they're talking about here...

if them U.S. Marshals would
take any advice...

they'd look for that there shoemaker
down in Mexico.

Why, that Ortiz government
down there...

they'd make a deal for your teeth
if there was gold in them.

That's about the way
I think about it, too, John.

You did?
I guess we both figured it right, then.
I wish there were some bank robbers
up around here for us to chase after.

You done scared them all away
by bringing them back dead.

Well, that's the way
they wanted them: Dead or alive.

On that last job, though,
you only brought back half the loot.

Half is better than none, ain't it?
Know something, Tippin?
You probably wouldn't believe this...

but I once had a gold robbery
in the works.

- I mean me, I was gonna do it.
- What happened?

I had to give it up
when I was elected sheriff.

Started to believe my own slogans.
But I'm gonna tell you, if this job wasn't
so sweet and soft, why...

I might just elect to follow
the criminal profession.

You'd be real good, too, John.
Much obliged.
Hi, Sheriff. Say, I'm looking for a horse.
