Well, that's the way
they wanted them: Dead or alive.
On that last job, though,
you only brought back half the loot.
Half is better than none, ain't it?
Know something, Tippin?
You probably wouldn't believe this...
but I once had a gold robbery
in the works.
- I mean me, I was gonna do it.
- What happened?
I had to give it up
when I was elected sheriff.
Started to believe my own slogans.
But I'm gonna tell you, if this job wasn't
so sweet and soft, why...
I might just elect to follow
the criminal profession.
You'd be real good, too, John.
Much obliged.
Hi, Sheriff. Say, I'm looking for a horse.
- I can see that.
- Whose horse you looking for?
Mine was pulled up lame yesterday...
and I'm heading out for a long ride
and looking for a good horse.
I ain't in the horse business, friend.
The best horse in the whole county...
is in a barn over at the other side
of Lone Tree Fork.
Belongs to the Sheriff here.
Ain't that right, John?
If you're talking about old Blue,
he ain't for sale.
Toppy kind, eh? Good rein on him?
Best damn rein in the county.
He ain't for sale, that's all.
See, if he ain't for sale, what that means
is that he ain't gonna sell him to you.
Ain't that right, John?
Good size, too?
He's the tallest, the strongest,
the fastest, and the ain't for sale-est.
What the hell?