Japanese proverb say,
'Bird never make nest in bare tree.'
If Henderson's theory is right,
why would a foreign power
want to launch missiles from Japan?
Because if they were discovered,
they could deny responsibility.
Especially if some private organisation's
doing the work.
- Osato?
- Perhaps.
Mr Osato is one of
our greatest industrialists.
No, he's merely a front.
- Who is big enough?
Could be.
Now, massage. Which girl do you select?
I'll settle for this little old lady here.
Good choice.
She's very sexyful.
The last time someone gave me
a massage was in Hong Kong.
But unfortunately...
we had to cut it short.
We were rudely interrupted
by a couple of gunmen.
So, we never got around to finishing it.
This time, you "shall" finish it.
No one will disturb you tonight.
I think I will enjoy very much
serving under you.