Where am I?
You're in my cabin on the "Ning-Po".
Leave him to me now. Wait in there.
And shut the door.
I've got you now.
Enjoy yourself.
- Who are you working for?
- Empire Chemicals, you know that.
- Do all their people carry guns?
- When they're abroad, yes.
And why were you
snooping around the docks?
I like ships. And I used to be a sailor.
You are a liar.
- Do you know what this is?
- I'd rather not.
Plastic surgeons call it a dermatome.
They use it to slice off skin.
I hope you won't force "me" to use it.
Now, what's a nice girl like you
doing in a place like this?
I have a confession to make.
Actually, I'm a spy.
I know that.
I suppose you know that
industrial secrets are big business?
I've stolen Osato's new process
for making monosodium glutamate.
Well, it's worth
I'll split it with you if you'll get me
out of here and back to Tokyo.
That's a nice offer.
- How about it?
- I'm afraid not.
Osato would kill me.