Get the belt.
Get it like this.
-This is killing me man!
Now let it hang like that.
Got to get the flap down.
-ls that too?
That's too blatant.
That's good.
-Yeah, that's good.
Right, now you need some
black lace bikini panties.
Or silk.
-Bikini panties for...
Silk. That's real good.
-...when you take pants off.
This is really important.
-Fags, you see, are really...
Fags are really blatant.
l'm not a fag, man!
You don't understand,
we're making you a fag.
For the induction.
lt's like 'self-pantsing'...?
l was wondering.
lt sounded pretty strange.
You want people to focus in
on the 'crucial area',...
To scope in on that zone down there.
Take some Kleenex or...
...a pair of socks!
-Oh yeah.
Take a pair of socks and just
stuff them in the silk panties.
Just so it bulges.
And then what you need
is a kind of a fishnet shirt.
Oh, yeah, fishnet.
-Real big net...
...and like a scarf.
Kind of a big, flowing, silk scarf.
lf you're gonna wear
those net shirts,...
...you'll have to shave your chest.
And you have to shave
under your arms.
Your whole body!
-You better use nair!
So with the hand on the hip
and the wrist.
Just sort of flop the wrist.
Just walk right up to the Sergeant.
You walk right up and get as
close as you can...
...and seduce him
with your eyeballs and say...
Do that!
-Hey fellas, get a load of this.
And when he talks to the fellas,...
...you turn around and
look at the fellas too.
And give them a little sort of,
wink, a little...
Like that. You got that?
And then he'll ask you...
What's your name.
-Ask him his name.
What's your name?
-Well, Joe Scho.
l got it! When he ask him
what his name is.
This is what you say.
-What's your name, son?
Paul Gerald George,
the fellas call me Jerry...
...but you can call me 'Geranium'.
Did you hear that, fellas?
What kind of a name is that?
What kind of a name is that, son!