
lf you're gonna wear
those net shirts,...

:06:03'll have to shave your chest.
And you have to shave
under your arms.

Your whole body!
-You better use nair!

So with the hand on the hip
and the wrist.

Just sort of flop the wrist.
Just walk right up to the Sergeant.

You walk right up and get as
close as you can...

...and seduce him
with your eyeballs and say...

Do that!
-Hey fellas, get a load of this.

And when he talks to the fellas,...
:06:28 turn around and
look at the fellas too.

And give them a little sort of,
wink, a little...

Like that. You got that?
And then he'll ask you...
What's your name.
-Ask him his name.

What's your name?
-Well, Joe Scho.

l got it! When he ask him
what his name is.

This is what you say.
-What's your name, son?

Paul Gerald George,
the fellas call me Jerry...

...but you can call me 'Geranium'.
Did you hear that, fellas?
What kind of a name is that?
What kind of a name is that, son!

All my friends think
l smell like a flower.

Yeah, just like that.
And then he'll ask you where you live.
Ask me where l live.
This is very important!
Alright, where do you live, son?
-Oh, l live around.

See, because you've got to
make him believe...

...that you want to live
around with him.

You want to live around with serge.
That's really crucial!
And then he'll turn around
to the fellas, again,...

...when you say that.
-Hey do you hear that, fellas?

And then every time that
he turns around to the fellas,...

:07:33 turn around them
and give them sort of a little...

:07:36 crinkle,
with the nose and say...

... 'hi, fellas!'
-Hi, fellas.

Do that. Can you do that?
l can do all that.
When l get to the end
can l say something like...

... 'hey, shall l take
my clothes off now?'

That's perfect! That's fantastic!

Really great!
-lt ain't gonna work!

What? Ridiculous!
-lt ain't gonna work!

Why not?
-Because l can't act like a fag!

Believe me...
-lt worked a week ago!
