We're setting up Communication
and Weapon Centers...
...all over the country.
lt's a growing menace.
Everyday there's more...
...of 'em commie-rat-bastards,
and niggers and all 'em...
...dirty, undernourished people.
-Hello, man! That's too real!
Like the Chinese restaurants, sir?
Well that's just a plot, sir.
You go in there and spend 50*...
...and eat for an hour and a half,...
...and a half hour later
you're starving to death.
That's a Chinese Communist plot...
...to starve the United States.
And so l'm going to request...
...that you don't put me in the
front lines because as we know...
...there are a lot of Mexican Americans,
a lot of niggers,...
...a lot of homosexuals, a lot
of undesirable elements!
All of the undesirable elements
of this country are there.
So l request, that you put
me in the middle, sir.
So that when l'm shooting
at the enemy...
...l won't sort of, accidentally,
let my rifle veer a bit to the left...
...and pick off a few of
those cancerous elements,...
...and then a little to the right
to pick off a few more.
You see what l mean?
You see,...
...and then you say 'and sir, l just
want to say that if one tenth...
...of the 500,000 men in Vietnam,
do what l'm gonna do...
...well we could wipe out
this yellow peril...
...within a matter of months, sir.
You must remember, sir, that...
...a few chinks a day,
keep the Chinese away!
That's great.
No, man! Look.
You're putting him to sleep!
Listen we kept him awake for two
days, we've got to keep him going.
Wake up man!
l've got a story.
Listen, l'm gonna tell you a story...
l'm sorry!
-...that'll keep you awake...
...for another month!
So that when you go down there
you're going to be a wreck!
Hurry up! Hurry!
-Common man, common!
l'm going to tell you a story
that's going to bug your eyes out.
l went to a mixer at Barnum College,...
...you know, the girl's college,
attached to Columbia.