Sir, this message just came in.
Thank you.
Attention, all hands. This is the captain.
A Norwegian freighter...
...has just picked up another distress signal
from Ice Station Zebra. Quote:
"For God's sake, hurry. " Unquote.
The rest of the transmission is garbled.
So somebody's still alive up there.
The last estimated position
of the British camp was 85 north, 21 west.
But we can't pin it down.
Their position drifts with the ice pack.
The United States and Soviet Russia
are making a joint effort...
...to reach the survivors.
An ice storm has ruled out any chance
of air rescue by either side.
So we're going in under the ice pack.
One more thing.
We have with us a British civilian.
I'm authorized to tell you
his name is Jones.
There are classified aspects to his mission,
which means it's none of our business...
...so let's leave him alone.
I'll keep you informed.
Pump 1000 from
number one auxiliary to sea.
One thousand from
number one auxiliary to sea.
- Pumping from auxiliary.
- Very well.
- Ready to relieve you.
- No machinery down, no unexecuted orders.
- I relieve you.
- I've been relieved by Ed.
Very well, George. How does it look, Court?
From this diving point, captain,
I would say our best bet...
...for a quick course would be 287
until we clear the Hebrides.
Then directly to Spitsbergen
for a final departure fix.
Transit time checks
with our initial estimates.
- Come around to 287, Ed.
- 287, aye.
- Come right to 287.
- Right to 287, aye.
What's the time for arrival
at the ice barrier, Court?
- 1530 Thursday, sir.
- Thank you.
- Move it up to flank.
- Flank, aye, sir.
- All ahead flank, Kentner.
- All ahead flank, aye.
Answering. All ahead flank.
Come on.