Can l see you?
She's back?
She's at his place.
l must say she only
put up a slight resistance.
First he took her
round the citadel.
We couldn't hear...
but l suppose it was the usual.
She played it cool at first.
But finally
she must have been overcome
by his patter.
The two of them
looked very... touching.
A romantic ballad...
an idyll.
A petting party...
Think it funny?
Damned funny!
What do girls think of?
You can go now.
A slight formality.
My check.
You lout!
The laborer's
worthy of his hire.
Night, sweetheart.
Go and buy some new pants.
Glad you noticed.
Hallo, darling.
Know where l've been?
With a man.
You don't ask if l love him.