The Lion in Winter

Come for me!
You're gaining on it, Johnny.
Am I, father? Am I really?
Off you go now.
Run along and practice.

He'll make a good king.
He'll be ready.

That's the way.
Come on, my son!

Have you found religion,

Will you look down from heaven and
see who's sitting on your throne?

I must know before I die.
There's a legend of a king called
Lear, with whom I have a lot in common.

Both of us have kingdoms
and three children we adore,

and both of us are old,
but there it ends.

He cuts his kingdom into bits.
I can't do that.

I've bullt an empire, and
I must know it's going to last.

All of Britain,
half of France...

I'm the greatest power in a thousand
years, and after me comes John.
