He'll make a good king.
He'll be ready.
That's the way.
Come on, my son!
Have you found religion,
Will you look down from heaven and
see who's sitting on your throne?
I must know before I die.
There's a legend of a king called
Lear, with whom I have a lot in common.
Both of us have kingdoms
and three children we adore,
and both of us are old,
but there it ends.
He cuts his kingdom into bits.
I can't do that.
I've bullt an empire, and
I must know it's going to last.
All of Britain,
half of France...
I'm the greatest power in a thousand
years, and after me comes John.
I'm going to lose you,
Henry, aren't I?
Alais, in my time I've known...
contessas, milkmaids,
and novices,
whores, gypsies, jades...
and little boys,
but nowhere in God's western world
have I found anyone to love but you.
And Rosamund?
- She's dead.
- And Eleanor.
The new Medusa,
my good wife?
How is your queen?
Decaying, I suppose.
No, don't be jealous
of the Gorgon.
She is not
among the things I love.
How many husbands do you know
who dungeon up their wives?
I haven't kept the great bitch in the keep
for ten years out of passionate attachment.
- There's Captain Marshal.