What will you have?
A cup of hot tea
for me, please.
Cup of hot tea for
Diamond Jim Brady.
You going to
eat anything?
Let's see. I just
had an ice cream.
Give me a corned beef
on rye, all fat,
and a high-calorie
cream soda.
Isn't she cuu-cute?
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha!
If you don't try,
how are you
going to find out?
Exactly. It's very easy
for you and me, Oscar.
We're men.
We're out in the world.
We can meet new people.
What about Frances?
Divorce is much
harder on the woman.
She's alone with the kids,
stuck in the house.
How is she going to
meet somebody now,
at her age,
with two kids?
I don't know.
Maybe someone
will come to the door.
Can we stop
talking about Frances?
Would you like me
to just forget her?
How do you wipe out 12 years
of marriage just like that?
You don't.
Face the facts, Felix.
You can't spend
your life crying.
It annoys people
at movies.
What's the matter?
Too cold.
It's the air conditioning.
Why do they always
turn them up so high?
I'll probably
get the flu.
You want me to ask
for a blanket?
You got to be careful
with air conditioning.
I never let Frances
use ours in the summer.
Oh, she must be crazy
about that.
Where are you going?
Let's move
to another table.
Oh, I knew it.
[Nasal Honking]
What's the matter now?
[Honk Honk]
I got this...My ears
are filling up.
I got this
sinus condition.
It's the change
in temperature.
I always get it from
air conditioning.
Maybe it'll go away.
No. It's all part
of my allergies.
I get them
in the summer.
Only in the summer?
In the winter, too.
I get them all year.
I'm allergic
to foods
and pillows and curtains
and perfumes.
Can you imagine that?
Allergic to perfumes.
That used to drive
Frances crazy.
For a while, she
couldn't wear anything
except my
after-shave lotion.
I was impossible
to live with.